After a long apology tour and countless confusing interviews, Ryan Lochte has been suspended for 10 months by the United States Olympic Committee and USA Swimming. He is also banned from the 2017 world swimming championships, EW reports. In addition to punishing Lochte, the USOC is expected to hold three other swimmers accountable for allegedly vandalizing a gas-station bathroom at the 2016 Olympics in Rio de Janeiro. Lochte should receive a longer punishment for exaggerating his story of being robbed at gunpoint, and Rio authorities will be pursuing charges against Lochte for filing a false police report, but for now, Lochte is back in the United States. He has denied the allegations that he made false statements to police, but hey, it isn’t all bad. He always has What Would Ryan Lochte Do?, and he’ll even be joining Dancing With the Stars, so maybe it’s time for him to embrace the showbiz life, where he can exaggerate as much as he wants and just call it acting!