Vanity Fair’s December cover story on Adele covers a fair amount of ground: The singer speaks candidly about her postpartum depression following the birth of her son Angelo, as well as her hesitancy to seek help; she expresses little desire to ever tour again following this current outing; and she mentions that she only shaves her legs on tour so that the audience can’t see her leg hair. (As she puts it: “I’ll have no man telling me to shave my fuckin’ legs.”). Hidden among these revelations, though, is a seemingly banal quote from Adele’s friend, one Beyoncé Knowles. “It is so easy to talk to her and be around her,” Ms. Knowles reports. “She’s funny as hell and her comebacks are legendary. The most beautiful thing about Adele is that she has her priorities straight. She is a gracious woman and the most humble human being I’ve ever met.”
“Her comebacks are legendary?” Can you even imagine the savage text messages these two are sending each other? The mind boggles. We know Adele is ballsy, we just didn’t realize she has lady stones big enough to roast the Queen. Who in the NSA do we have to bribe to sneak a peek at those texts?