As Bruce Springsteen never put it: If you’re going to New Jersey, you may as well get some funny books out of the experience. On October 26, Joel McHale (the late Community and The Soup, and the upcoming The Great Indoors) and Will Forte (SNL, The Last Man on Earth, MacGruber) are teaming up for a conversation at Loew’s Jersey Theater in Jersey City, in conjunction with Brooklyn’s Word Bookstore, to celebrate the release of their two upcoming books, both out October 25. McHale’s Thanks for the Money is half-memoir, half-guide to becoming successful enough to write a memoir, while Forte’s 101 Things to Definitely Not Do If You Want to Get a Chick is an illustrated guide to maintaining a basic level of human decency on dates. “Not since Tilda Swinton and Paul Bettany (as Silas from The Da Vinci Code) have two whiter people come together to sell books,” McHale said of the event. “Both of us relish the opportunity to stand onstage and throw books at people the same way rock stars do guitar picks.” The event begins at 8 p.m. Tickets, priced at $45, cover admission to the event, copies of both books, and a $3 donation to the support the Loew’s Jersey Theater. They’re are available on Word’s website.