It’s been a long time since Eminem dropped a protest song on our heads (remember “Mosh“?), but now he’s back with a Molotov cocktail aimed at Donald Trump’s toupee. Announcing out of the blue that he’s working on a new album, Eminem released a perfectly timed new song called “Campaign Speech.” If 2013’s “Rap God” was the warm-up, “Campaign Speech” is game on; it’s nearly eight minutes of nothing but bars against a cartoonish beat. Em makes reference to much of the racial strife that’s taken over the country since his last album: the Charleston church shooting, George Zimmerman’s continued existence, the cop who killed Eric Garner, Colin Kaepernick’s protest, among many others. He also remains unapologetic about being deeply problematic (“You call me misogynistic, bitch get to massaging this dick”). But with the presidential election weeks away, the biggest target in this song is Donald Trump. In addition to threatening to drown Trump’s supporters, Em is here to warn America that voting for a “fucking loose canon” like Trump is basically like letting Slim Shady run the country. “Great idea,” he mocks us all.