Buckle up, adjust your mirrors, put those hands at ten and two, and generally do all of the car things that you do to get into gear for a long drive: It looks like Ride Along 3 is happening. Word of the sequel to this year’s hit Ride Along 2 comes from director Tim Story, who told the Wrap that the script is being written right now, as you read these very words. Story also revealed that Kevin Hart and Ice Cube are both expected to return, because duh, they are the point of these things. Story explained: “We’re writing the script right now, we’re writing away and basically, I’m waiting to see some pages and we’re excited for the idea and what it can be and of course bringing Kevin [Hart] and Ice Cube back together because they are the greatest odd couple in the world … I’m impatiently waiting for a script to be given to me. We have some great ideas.” Given the events of the first two movies, those “great ideas” presumably revolve around a pretty regular, non-gimmicky buddy-cop movie, unless Ride Along 3 is just Ice Cube being like, “I’m going for a ride, do you want to come along?” and Kevin Hart shrugging like, “Sure.” Which would be nice.