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Ronny Chieng Is Waiting for ‘Equal Opportunity’ Racism From Donald Trump

PaleyFest New York 2016 -
Photo: Jimi Celeste/Patrick McMullan via Getty Image

Fox New’s cringeworthy field trip to Chinatown didnt give enough attention to Asian-Americans voters for Daily Show correspondent Ronny Chieng. “Nobody is looking to court the Asian-American vote,” Chieng said on the red carpet before the PaleyFest Daily Show With Trevor Noah panel on Thursday. “I haven’t heard Donald Trump say a single racist thing against Asian people, this entire election. I’m waiting for equal opportunity here!” Chieng joked before listing off the groups offended by the Republican presidential nominee, including women, Muslims, and Latinos. He added, “We’re feeling left out of this racist Super Bowl. Or, this racism taco bowl, if you would.”

Chieng made waves two weeks ago for his response segment to the aforementioned man-on-Canal-street Fox clip. In the original segment, O’Reilly Factor correspondent Jesse Watters went to Chinatown to discuss the role of China in the 2016 presidential election, but instead ended up bowing at people and talking about karate. In Chieng’s response to the highly criticized video, the comedian explained how he went to the same Manhattan neighborhood and engaged in thoughtful discussions about the election while speaking Chinese. “I didn’t have time to get angry about the video,” Chieng said during the PaleyFest panel, “because everyone else got angry for me.” 

When Vulture asked Chieng about the frequent Trump–Hitler comparison, he was quick to respond with a better proto-Trump. “He’s more like Lex Luthor right?” Chieng said. “Because Hitler didn’t have a multi-billion dollar company, or at least he didn’t claim to have a multi-billion dollar company,” adding, “Lex Luthor was a rich dude — who was balding — who just did evil shit and used his money to buy influence.” When asked if the Daily Show could be the Superman to defeat Trump, Chieng wasn’t ready to give the late-night show that much power, stating that Trump was their kryptonite.

Ronny Chieng Wants Equal-Opportunity Racism