As a growing chorus of women comes forward to accuse presidential candidate Donald Trump of sexual assault following his hot-mic admission that he can, as a celebrity, get away with what is defined as sexual assault, part of the conversation has turned to why it is that assault survivors so often fail to report attacks. Presumably in response to this, celebrity and activist Rose McGowan has posted her own experience with sexual assault on Twitter. McGowan declared that it’s “time for some goddamned honesty” and shared her story of getting raped by an unnamed film-studio executive along with the hashtag #WhyWomenDontReport.
McGowan has been one of the most relentless and unsparing critics of how women are treated in Hollywood. She contributed a guest column to The Hollywood Reporter earlier this year, calling out a Variety writer for critical remarks he made about Renée Zellweger’s face. She used a music video for her song “RM486” to comment on the crushing beauty standards imposed by the entertainment industry. And she’s even specifically gone after Trump, sending a mass email in August to many news outlets demanding they stop covering the person she characterized as a “massive disease.”