The curious case of James Moriarty’s dead or alive status will soon be kind-of-sort-of-maybe solved. The season four premiere of Sherlock is set to premiere on January 1 in both the U.S. and U.K. — for us Yanks, on PBS’s Masterpiece — with the first episode confirmed to be titled “The Six Thatchers.” (Meanwhile, episode two is called “The Lying Detective,” while the third episode’s title has yet to be divulged.) Showrunners Steven Moffat and Mark Gatiss have already teased that Sherlock’s fourth season is going to be the darkest one ever, which is certainly evident with the eerie short trailer that dropped earlier this year. (Looking creepy, Toby Jones!) As the new season premieres on New Year’s Day, try not to drink too much peppermint Schnapps the night before, okay? Give Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman the attention they deserve.