Remember when Aubrey Plaza and Michael Cera were just two squirmy little weirdos on Scott Pilgrim vs. The World in 2010? Well, it turns out that when the two met each other on set, they also fell in love. RuPaul and Michelle Visage got some of the info when they hosted Plaza on the latest episode of their podcast What’s the Tee? when Ru said that he found Michael Cera “sexy.” “I dated him for a long time,” Plaza replied, adding that they were together for a year and a half. “We drove across the country after we shot that movie and almost got married in Vegas.”
Ru asks if the relationship was just a result of on-set cabin fever. “Oh, like animals in captivity?” Plaza replies. “Everyone just wants to fuck each other?” She says that wasn’t the case, and that Michael Cera is “very special” to her. “We love each other. We’re still really good friends. He’s just a weird little freak and we speak the same language. He’s one of the funniest people I know.” If only we had known, they really could have been the Angelina and Billy Bob of their time.