Last night the Chicago Cubs came back from the near-brink and forced a Game 7 in the World Series; this made for quite the historic evening in the Windy City. The memorable moments continued after the game, when a good old-fashioned sing-along broke out at a house party in nearby Wrigleyville. Not just any sing-along, mind you — it was one in which Pearl Jam’s Eddie Vedder and Southern rock mainstay Derek Trucks started playing the Band’s ode to hard-scrabble hope and road-weariness, “The Weight.” And who should be there, singing along? Well, Bill Murray, of course. As you’ll recall, Cubs fans Vedder and Murray each belted “Take Me Out to the Ballgame” at recent seventh-inning stretches, but this was a more intimate gathering (and, judging by some home video of it, a boozy one). If this is what happens when the Cubs stage a comeback, imagine what an afterparty might look like if they — no jinx — win tonight?