A week before America might get its first woman president, Glamour gets its first-ever Man of the Year. Bono snagged a spot alongside Gwen Stefani, Simone Biles, Ashley Graham, and the three founders of Black Lives Matter in the magazine’s annual Women of the Year awards.
Probably sensing that there could be some blowback from people peeved by a world that gives men everything, even awards with the word “women” in the title, Glamour published a quote from a 2013 woman of the year, and all-around respected philanthropist, Melinda Gates:
He’s one of the most outspoken and effective advocates for women and girls I know … As an activist, he’s using those skills to get the world talking about the fact that ending extreme poverty begins with empowering women and girls.
Bono saw the award as a chance to inspire other non-women involved in the fight for equality. “I’m grateful for this award as a chance to say the battle for gender equality can’t be won unless men lead it along with women,” the rock star said. “We’re largely responsible for the problem, so we have to be involved in the solutions.”
The U2 front man is mostly being honored for his new campaign Poverty Is Sexist, which helps women in some of the world’s poorest communities.