Since you obvisouly can’t be a mom and show off your hot body, Chrissy Teigen has once again had to shoo away amateur fashion police from the torso-high-slit dress she wore to the AMAs on Sunday. At first she happily non-apologized to “anyone harmed mentally or physically by my hooha,” but trolls will troll and now she’s laying down the law. On Tuesday night, while attempting to impart her Thanksgiving wisdom to the culinarily challenged in a Twitter Q&A, a sea of slut-shaming monsters thought they could invade her happy place and get away with it. Rather than ignore their sexist comments, Teigen responded to their tweets via a series of flawless video replies. Because if you’re going to give Chrissy Teigen unsolicited advice on wearing pants and interrupt her cooking show with a question about whether or not she’s had sex with a turkey, you better come correct. Or at the very least, make sure you don’t have a name that’s easy to obliterate. Now let’s all get back to more important matters, like stuffing our faces.