last night on late night

John Oliver Wants You to Join His Pyramid Scheme to Topple Multilevel-Marketing Companies

John Oliver wants to give you a huge opportunity that could change you and your loved ones’ lives: the opportunity to ignore the false opportunities promoted by multilevel marketing companies. Sure, maybe he can’t promise you a Mercedes Benz or a walking dog, but with your help, and the help of all your friends you’re currently sending this link to, you can be part of a pyramid scheme that ends the not-classified-as-pyramids direct-sales companies. These businesses are shaped a lot like pyramids and often end up bankrupting the people they’re supposed to be gainfully employing. During last night’s Last Week Tonight, Oliver fully explained how multilevel marketing companies operate, but if you don’t have time to watch the full segment, at least appreciate the “more-attractive-in-every-way” John Oliver, Jane the Virgin’s Jaime Camil.

John Oliver Wants You to Join His Pyramid Scheme