While the inventor of the ubiquitous “mannequin challenge” may now wish she or he (but probably she, because women can still do anything) had found a way to monetize what has lately become the internet community’s favorite idea, they are probably now content with how things have panned out (get it?). That’s because the current FLOTUS, who we are all hanging onto as long as we can, as tightly as we can, just brought the mannequin challenge to a beautiful, perfect peak. Herein, watch the FLOTUS hang with members of the Cleveland Cavaliers, this year’s NBA champions, who were visiting the White House in celebration of their victory earlier this year, by invitation from Michelle’s husband. This mannequin challenge has a nice little story to it: A group of fellas from Believeland visit with a pretty cool lady, take some selfies, and generally enjoy themselves in a historic setting. And all while the POTUS is meeting with the next president a few doors down, no less.