Oh, man. Things started out so well between Billy Eichner and this New Yorker on the street when the New Yorker correctly answered the question “Sir, who you gonna call?” with “Ghostbusters.” But then the conversation turned to Pretty Woman, and Eichner’s latest dollar winner dared to cast aspersions on the legacy of Julia Roberts’s romantic-comedy classic and accidentally peddle himself into slut-shaming territory at the same time. Naturally, our noble host was left with no choice but to defend the honor of Julia and the sex workers with hearts of gold she represented. Do not come at Billy Eichner with your Pretty Woman critiques unless you are prepared to reexamine the plot with him and can pull the names of the supporting actors out of your mind with just a moment’s notice. Let’s hope he confronts the entire studio audience, one by one, when he co-hosts Live With Kelly next Monday.