Ryan Reynolds spent a whole lot of time working on Deadpool, which went on to be a major box-office success. By the looks of things, making Deadpool 2 has turned into quite a slog as well, since director Tim Miller recently left the project over creative differences with Reynolds. But fear not! All is well in Reynolds-land, at least according to a GQ interview with the star, which includes nary a mention of Miller or the other struggles with the sequel. Instead, there’s a whole lot of affirmations from Reynolds that he is good enough, gosh darn it! “I’ve embraced the fact that I’m smart,” Reynolds tells GQ. “I’ve embraced the fact that I’m an idiot. I’ve embraced the fact that I’m funny. If this were five, four, three years ago even, I wouldn’t have been like, ‘Come on in to my home, meet the baby.’ It’s all human life. Take it or leave it.” Ryan, we are very happy for your success and hope all the best for the Deadpool franchise, but in all sincerity, we’re disappointed that you didn’t already realize that Definitely, Maybe is a hoot.