The Celebrity Apprentice is (regrettably) under the same management, but a new leading man means a new catchphrase. When Arnold Schwarzenegger takes over, he won’t be returning to the tired “You’re fired” of Apprentice seasons past. He’ll have a new line, but he’s not certain what it will be yet. It’s not because no one’s brainstorming, rather that the show has filmed all the ideas, literally: To keep the Governator’s Apprentice sign-off top secret, NBC filmed nine different versions of Schwarzenegger’s potential catchphrases, and the star doesn’t know which one made the final cut. “We narrowed it down to like eight of my sayings from the movies and one other option, but even I don’t know yet,” Schwarzenegger told The Hollywood Reporter, confirming that multiple endings were shot for every episode except the live season finale. Isn’t it the American Dream to hear “hasta la vista, baby” in the boardroom? It’s gotta be that one.