One of the prevailing, non-election-related national stories for the past few months has been the peaceful protests at Standing Rock, North Dakota, by members of the Sioux tribe, concerned allies, musicians, and celebrities (actress Shailene Woodley primary among them). The issue is the routing of the oil-bearing Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL) through tribal lands, which had been deeded to the Sioux by treaty. Tribal members were concerned about what might happen to their water source, with many calling for President Obama to intervene on the tribe’s behalf.
After occasionally violent standoffs between police and protesters, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers ordered a halt on pipeline construction Sunday. It’s not a foregone conclusion, but for now at least, the protests have had the desired effect. Along with tribe members and local residents, musicians, celebrities, and actors across the country are celebrating the victory on social media, where protests against the pipeline were tagged #NoDAPL. Woodley was particularly excited: