If they end up strong-arming her into taking less pay, just go ahead and change that title to Deeply Ashamed of Yourselves. According to The Hollywood Reporter, Emmy Rossum is currently “locked in a pay standoff” over her salary for a possible upcoming eighth season of Showtime’s Shameless. THR reports that Rossum is not only asking for pay equal to that of co-star William H. Macy, who has historically earned significantly more than anyone else on the show and will receive a substantial bump for the upcoming season should it come to pass, but is looking to earn more per episode. An eighth season would make Shameless the network’s longest-running scripted original series and Rossum, who made her directorial debut on the show this past season, is one of its linchpins. Macy’s new salary allegedly moves his pay grade into the “in the upper echelon of cable dramas,” so, uh, ain’t no shame in wanting that.