There is very little certainty when it comes to Hollywood these days. Conversely, it’s not uncommon to see sequels, spinoffs, and other new iterations of box-office-battle-tested properties appearing in our theaters and on our screens. So of course it makes sense that an all-female spinoff of the Jonah Hill and Channing Tatum 21 Jump Street film franchise is in development; after all, the films did well and “all-female” is a hot twist on the classic “mostly dudes” formula we’re used to seeing employed in, well, most films, and definitely most action-comedy-genre films. But one’s excitement at the prospect of such a spinoff might be a little tempered by the news that the script for said iteration is being written by a dude. Namely, Rodney Rothman, who wrote the 22 Jump Street script; this puts the kibosh on earlier reports that Broad City writers were penning the film.
Rothman, of course, knows the world and the story, and look — we’re sure he’ll do great. But would it hurt, if you’re looking to tell a story starring two women, for those women to be created by a female writer? Women need film work! We are not ready to direct Star Wars films and too not-a-man to be in most TV writers rooms! C’mon, throw us a bone, like you’d chivalrously throw a coat over a puddle, Hollywood. We’re waiting.