The hits just keep on coming: As if the whitewashing criticism and Matt Damon’s defense of fake news weren’t enough, a new report questions The Great Wall’s safety conditions on set. The movie’s cast and crew — including Damon — were exposed to air pollution and chemicals from sealants that are banned from sets Stateside, according to the Wrap. “I nearly passed out from the fumes that came out of a spray can,” one member of the crew told The Wall Street Journal, where the story was originally reported. A co-producer recounted questioning the conditions on set during a meeting: “How do I look Matt Damon in the face when he’s the only one not wearing a mask?” Some dangerous production practices (like climbing scaffolding without a harness) were eventually avoided with vigilance from crew supervisors. The Great Wall is a major test run for Chinese-American co-productions, but the movie has been stunted by controversy. Damon’s Chinese fable opens February 17.