If you’ve ever wanted to know what a day in the life of Helen Mirren is like, your queen and mine is now sharing snaps on Instagram. The great news is that while it’s got some of your typical famous person behind-the-scenes and promotional stuff — surely it’s no accident she began posting about two weeks before her new movie, Collateral Beauty, opened — there’s also your garden-variety selfies and regular shots of things she sees in her travels, like sexy elves on the 6 train during SantaCon. Over the summer, an Instagram account under the name @ukqueenofhearts popped up briefly with some Fast and Furious 8 goodies, like a selfie with Tyrese. The account is no longer available; it’s not clear if it was a first-go at social media for Mirren or a fan account. Either way, who doesn’t need a little extra Helen Mirren in their day?