True to Trent Reznor’s word that new Nine Inch Nails music would happen soon, the band has now announced a new EP set for, well, next week. Not the Actual Events will be released on December 23 and it’s described by Reznor as “an unfriendly, fairly impenetrable record that we needed to make.” It had to be short, he says, because it was “the proper length to tell that story.” So don’t question him. But wait, there’s more! Atticus Ross, who’s long produced for NIN and collaborated on all those creepy scores with Reznor, is now an “official bandmate” who worked on the EP. It’ll be the band’s first project since 2013’s Hesitation Marks and is apparently an “unexpected left turn” that’ll sound nothing like the household appliance–inspired sounds of their film oeuvre. Hang on, last thing! We’re also being gifted with NIN tunes both new and old because, in addition to the EP, they’re also reissuing a ton of NIN albums on vinyl in the interest of having “no extra bullshit and gimmicks — the ‘real’ records in their truest form.” Plus, there’ll be a special-edition LP-only version of The Fragile called The Fragile: Deviations 1, which will have four discs including instrumentals, alternate versions, and unreleased songs. In a statement, Reznor says revisiting and tweaking the original became “a form of therapy.” So don’t say he never got you anything.