oh canada!

Ryan Gosling Knows Justin Trudeau Is Also Your Boyfriend

The 22nd Annual Critics' Choice Awards - Arrivals
Photo: Getty Images. Photo: Frazer Harrison/Getty Images

Ryan Gosling is no longer the internet’s reigning boyfriend. But he knows who you left him for: Canadian prime minister and grade-A heartthrob Justin Trudeau. Gosling also knows why. Americans, he says, aren’t taken with him because of his dark roles (Blue Valentine) or his cheery ones (The Notebook). It’s not even the “Hey Girl” meme or the cereal Vine. According to Gosling, the internet makes such a fuss about him just because he’s a regular Canadian man. “I think it’s part of … um … America just finally realizing that there’s a place called Canada. That it’s nearby,” Gosling told GQ when asked about his internet following. “And the people there are, you know, different but the same. And not just America’s hat. We have free health care, education.” But now that Gosling has busied himself with new films and a new family, the torch has been passed, and the proof is in Trudeau’s popularity. “He’s doing a lot of things, but things that are kind of natural parts of being Canadian,” Gosling explained. “I don’t think Canada is as shocked by what Trudeau is doing as the rest of the world is.” Oh, Canada — the land of free health care and education, and where internet boyfriends are made.

Ryan Gosling Knows You’re Into Justin Trudeau