Though Weather Channel is usually as apolitical as a media outlet can be — just look at their Escape the Election eight-hour programming block that featured nothing but soothing videos of rainbows and sunsets — the scientist at the station will not stand to have their words minced. After Breitbart ran a story “Global Temperatures Plunge. Icy Silence From Climate Alarmists” that used a clip from the Weather Channel to further their climate-change-denying argument, the cable outlet rained down some truth. On Tuesday, the network posted a response article “Note to Breitbart: Earth Is Not Cooling, Climate Change Is Real and Please Stop Using Our Video to Mislead Americans” and a video featuring the same meteorologist, Kait Parker. In the video, Parker explains that the video was “completely unrelated” to the point of Breitbart’s article. “Here’s the thing: Science doesn’t care about your opinion,” Parker says. “Cherry-picking and twisting the facts — note fact, not opinion — does not change that the Earth is warming.” Parker then went into the science of debunking the conservative website’s article and explaining the evidence of global warming, before signing off, “To all my fellow scientists out there: Let’s make the facts louder than the opinion.” Watch the video above.