As the crippling uncertainty of 2017 wages on, at least we know one definitive thing: Alec Baldwin sure loves to taunt Donald Trump all over the world wide web. (You can see for yourself here, here, or, hmmm, even here. And that’s not even including his actual SNL sketches.) Baldwin decided to ring in the new year in a decisively Trump troll-y fashion, but instead of firing off some devestating tweets or preparing some tongue-in-cheek sketches, he went for a simple statement piece of headgear. Behold his “Make America Great Again” replica hat he debuted last night on Instagram, which swaps the Trumpian slogan in English with Russian instead. Baldwin left the selfie caption-less, but it’s safe to say it’s in response to the recent intelligence report that states Russian president Vladimir Putin lead an “influence campaign” aimed at the U.S. presidential election. Because, in Soviet Russia, hat wears you.