Carrie Fisher has been amusing us all from beyond the grave ever since she died in December at the age of 60, and with the Oscars coming up in a matter of weeks, it shouldn’t come as too much of a surprise that a newly resurfaced Fisher interview is making its rounds with a very, well, inherently Fisher-esque request for the ceremony. Speaking to the Rebel Force Radio podcast in 2010, Fisher described how she would like Harrison Ford, her former Star Wars co-star and lover, to perform a little tune during her in memoriam segment. “I asked him [at a party] if he would be in my death reel, and if he would sing,” Fisher told the podcast’s hosts. “It’s just something I want.” Fisher said the idea came to her while watching the 2010 Oscars tribute to the late John Hughes, where numerous actors came together onstage to pay tribute to the filmmaker with the help of a video montage. “So, I figured they’ll bring out, depending on when it happens, there’s a lot of people they can bring out,” she explained. “He’s going to sing ‘Melancholy Wookiee.’” However, she acknowledged that she’s never actually heard Ford sing: “And I don’t think we’re missing much.” Spoken like a woman who truly drowned in moonlight, strangled by her own bra.