Stars, they’re just like us, give or take an unfathomable reservoir of patience in the face of obvious baiting. Chrissy Teigen took to Twitter to share an incredibly gross paparazzi incident, in which a paparazzo asked Teigen a blatantly racist question about her husband, John Legend. “Paparazzi at JFK just asked me ‘if we evolved from monkeys, why is John Legend still around?’ — and people wonder why celebs lose it in pics,” she wrote. Apparently the question came out of left field, as Teigen was gamely answering questions about her cookbook when the man attempted to solicit a rise. She explained, “I was very kind. Answered cooking questions, then he came with that. Fucking disgusting.” Capping it off? “Also, john is right next to me. The balls.” The paparazzo didn’t stop with racism either, adding in some anti-Semitic trolling for good measure. Per Teigen, “He also went from ‘what’s an easy recipe to make at home’ to ‘if a Jew were a vampire, would he still be afraid of crosses?’” What a charmer. Here’s hoping Teigen’s future travel tweets get to be more mysterious movie shade and less accounts of filth people hereon.