According to The Hollywood Reporter, director Brian Knappenberger’s documentary Nobody Speak: Hulk Hogan, Gawker and Trials of a Free Press will soon be headed to Netflix. The film, part of Sundance’s U.S. documentary competition this week, explores the court case Bollea v. Gawker and its aftermath, specifically the demise of Gawker.com. Terry Bollea, also known as professional wrestler Hulk Hogan, was awarded $140 million by the courts after it was determined that the media company’s decision to publish video of the wrestler having sex constituted a violation of his privacy. Venture capitalist and member of President Trump’s transition team Peter Thiel helped fund the lawsuit, as well as several others targeting the site. Gawker Media was subsequently purchased by Univision in August of last year. Gawker.com published its last post on August 22, 2016.