Would constantly holding a laundry basket or big boxy handbag hide double leg casts as well as it hides a pregnancy? Such are the questions the producers of Madam Secretary must have had running through their heads upon finding out that the show’s co-star, Tim Daly, broke both his legs in a skiing accident while at Sundance. Fortunately Daly is on the road to recovery — though, after a scheduled surgery tomorrow, it will take approximately six to eight weeks to get down that road. According to Variety, the CBS drama has yet to decide exactly how to handle the secretary of state’s husband suddenly having several fractured limbs. While Madam Secretary producers are reportedly considering writing the injury into the show’s plotline or shooting around it, filming for next season might be far enough along that significant adjustments won’t be necessary. If need be, Daly could probably just be shot sitting on his couch or at his desk. That’s where everyone spends 99 percent of their time anyway.