inauguration 2017

Marie Osmond Isn’t Performing at Trump’s Inauguration Either, Not That She Was Asked or Anything

Premiere Of Universal Pictures'
Good to know. Photo: Ethan Miller/Getty Images

Adding her name to the small-but-proud chorus of artists preemptively giving a hard pass on playing Donald Trump’s inauguration before an invitation has even been extended is Marie Osmond. In a message to fans on Thursday, the singer clarified that while she supports whomever happens to be running the country at any given time, she won’t be singing said president into office. “I had no intention of performing at this inauguration, no matter who won!” she tweeted. “I try to stay out of politics. I’m an entertainer.” Osmond had previously noted that she was never technically asked to perform at Trump’s inauguration, though she told Yahoo Finance, “To not support our president I think is wrong. I think we should all support whether we are happy or sad or everything else … We should come together and I think an inauguration should be a time to unite.” Her comments led fans to believe that she’d be participating in the event. Osmond now says all she meant was “to be nice and promote a message of love, not hate.” Just as she notes that she’s shown love to many a president before Trump and maybe one day still could. So there you have it: On matters of Trump, Marie Osmond is Switzerland. We can all rest easy now.

Marie Osmond Also Not Performing at Inauguration