last night on late night

Seth Meyers Takes a Closer Look at Donald Trump’s Inauguration, ‘Alternative Facts,’ and the Women’s March

After a whirlwind weekend under America’s newly sworn in President Trump, Seth Meyers took a Closer Look at all that transpired on Friday and Saturday. On one side were the glories of millions of protesters in the worldwide Women’s March, all carrying signs like “JUST UGH” and “I [heart] TRAINS.” On the other was Al Roker attempting to get Vice-President Pence’s attention by shaking candy at him during the Inaugural Parade. Also on deck: Sean Spicer’s “alternative facts” and Kellyanne Conway’s attempts at Jedi mind tricks. Phew, and to think Donald Trump has only been in office four days.

Seth Meyers Looks at Inauguration, Women’s March