Watch Seth Meyers’s Full ‘Late Night’ Interview with Pivot Expert Kellyanne Conway

If you missed Seth Meyers’s Late Night interview with former Trump campaign manager and incoming White House counselor Kellyanne Conway last night, thankfully the show released the full clip online today. Meyers covers a lot of ground in the tense but civil chat – everything from Trump’s cabinet picks not getting proper background checks to his lack of press conferences to how Conway feels about constantly having to defend his tweets. Meyers also asked her about last night’s breaking news from CNN that Russia has “compromising” personal and business information on Trump, which led to this exchange between the two:

Meyers: Shouldn’t we care if the Russians tried to interfere? Whether it affected the outcome of the election or not. I sometimes fear that the president-elect has no curiosity as to the amount they tried– Conway: That is completely false. He has enormous curiosity, I’m there every day with him. He has a number of different meetings every day – briefings and otherwise. He was curious enough to figure out America. He knew America when many other Republicans– Meyers: That’s a pivot right there, Kellyanne. And by the way, no one does it better.

Watch the full interview above. Meyers’s “A Closer Look” segment below on Jeff Sessions and yesterday’s confirmation hearings is also worth a watch:

Watch Seth Meyers’s Full ‘Late Night’ Interview with […]