Among all of the intrigue surrounding the talent set for Donald Trump’s inauguration festivities, one name has been conspicuously absent: Kanye West. Indeed, given his photo op with the president-elect and his admission that Trump had his vote in his heart, West might be considered one of Trump’s most vocal famous supporters. So why isn’t West booked for an inauguration gig? According to Tom Barrack, the chairman of the Presidential Inauguration Committee, he was never asked because the inauguration isn’t a fitting “venue” for West. Talking to Erin Burnett on CNN, Barrack said, “He’s been great, he considers himself a friend of the president-elect, but it’s not the venue.” He continued to imply that West is not the right type of entertainment for the “typically and traditionally American” event, saying, “It’s going to be typically and traditionally American, and Kanye is a great guy, we just haven’t asked him to perform. And we move on with our agenda.” Sure, sure, all things Americana. That explains how lord of the Irish riverdance Michael Flatley got booked, sure. Watch the interview below.