NBC just announced some casting news for two comedy pilots. According to Variety, Workaholics’s Anders Holm has signed on to star in an untitled pilot from Mindy Kaling and Charlie Grandy as a gym owner named Vince “with no ambition who lives with his younger brother Michael, a gorgeous idiot. Their simple life of women and working out is put on hold when the teenage son of Vince is dropped off on their doorstep by Priya (Kaling), one of his high school flings.” In other casting news, Deadline reports that Busy Philipps will star in another pilot produced by Tina Fey and Robert Carlock and written by Luke Del Tredici (30 Rock, Brooklyn Nine-Nine) called The Sackett Sisters, which centers on “two estranged sisters who perform a Sully Sullenberger-esque act of public heroism, then are forced to navigate their newfound notoriety together.” Both pilots were ordered by the network last month.