last night on late night

Denzel Washington Tries to Identify His Movie Lines When Read by Normal People; Normal People Do Not Make It Easy

If you learn two things from Denzel Washington’s earnest round of “Did I Say That?” on Jimmy Kimmel Live!, the first would be: the L.A. farmers market is filled with the cutest selection of characters available anywhere lunch is served. The second lesson is that Denzel Washington can correctly identify almost any of his movie quotes, provided you give him something in the same ballpark as the actual line. “King Kong ain’t gonna shit on me” is very different from, yet completely equal to, Training Day’s “King Kong ain’t got shit on me.” Denzel should gather his decades of clout and make a film where he could really scream, “King Kong ain’t gonna shit on me” and mean it. Probably a King Kong movie, but hey, not necessarily.

Denzel Washington Tries to Identify His Own Movie Lines