There’s one person in the world that isn’t a fan of Melissa McCarthy’s incredible performance as White House press secretary Sean Spicer during SNL over the weekend, and that person is – you guessed it – Donald Trump. Speaking to anonymous White House sources, Politico reports that Trump’s notable lack of SNL-related tweets this weekend was “seen internally as a sign of how uncomfortable it made the White House feel,” and McCarthy’s performance in particular “struck a nerve” with Spicer. Even more revealing, however, is this excerpt from Politico’s report:
More than being lampooned as a press secretary who makes up facts, it was Spicer’s portrayal by a woman that was most problematic in the president’s eyes, according to sources close to him. And the unflattering send-up by a female comedian was not considered helpful for Spicer’s longevity in the grueling, high-profile job in which he has struggled to strike the right balance between representing an administration that considers the media the “opposition party,” and developing a functional relationship with the press. “Trump doesn’t like his people to look weak,” added a top Trump donor.
McCarthy’s sketch currently has 16 million views on YouTube and counting, and since it was uploaded two days ago it’s already made it into SNL’s top 10 most popular YouTube uploads, so it’s safe to say the sketch was an instant classic. Here’s to hopefully many, many, many more sketches featuring McCarthy as Spicer in the near future.