White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer doesn’t seem totally upset about Melissa McCarthy’s impression of him on Saturday Night Live. During the Super Bowl, Spicer told Extra TV that he thought the bit was funny, though she could “dial it back” some. McCarthy’s impression, in which she donned a suit and a receding hairline to boo the New York Times, to counter facts with alternative-facts, and to spar with the press pool was one of SNL’s highlights. Spicer said he didn’t find out about it until he was leaving church Sunday morning, when his phone had so many notifications he thought there was a crisis. Still, his good-natured response to the sketch did come with a critique of his SNL proxy: The press secretary, who chews and swallows as many as 35 pieces of gum before noon, said McCarthy “needs to slow down on the gum chewing; way too many pieces in there.”