No complaints about an “unwatchable” show or a “boring and unfunny” impression here. In a move that deviates from his presidential father’s shtick and shows, dare we say, a normal and healthy sense of humor, Donald Trump Jr. has poked fun at his recent Saturday Night Live impression with a few jokes of his own. He captioned a photo of himself eating dry cereal, a reference to Mikey Day’s impersonation of him taking care of his younger man-child brother Eric (played by Alex Moffat) by feeding him Cheerios, on Instagram: “Dear @nbcsnl I stole somebody’s snack today (hint it may be Eric). Don’t tell him. #heshungry #snl #weekendupdate,” he wrote. “PS if you ever need a Don Jr. fill in I’m available and I do a much better job with the hair than Mikey.” Now, if only he’d weigh in on that killer Children of the Corn spoof.