Way back in 1998, when Emma Thompson was working on the movie Primary Colors with John Travolta, she apparently got propositioned for a date with the future president of the United States of America. And no, we’re not talking about Barack Obama. In a new television interview with Sweden’s SVT, the British treasure recounts the time Donald Trump called her up to ask her out. The recently divorced Thompson says she was in her trailer on set when a call came through, and the man on the other end announced himself by saying, “Hi. This is Donald Trump here,” and proceeded to offer her unsolicited lodging: “I wondered if I could offer you some accommodation in my Trump Towers. They’re very comfortable.” Waving his real-estate holdings around as a kind of come-on sounds like a very Donald Trump thing to do, so we’re inclined to believe the call happened as Thompson described. When she asked why she would need a place to stay when she already has one, Trump apparently responded, “Well you know, I think we would get on very well. Maybe we could have dinner sometime.” At that point, Thompson politely extricated herself from the call, and from the course of American political history.