Why would any intelligent billionaire give up her cushy life relaxing in the woods and loving chips to run for public office? The answer is: she wouldn’t. Despite what you might have hoped deep down in your heart of hearts, there’s no way Oprah Winfrey is running for president in 2020, at least according to her best friend Gayle King. “I was in the audience that day and it was clearly a joke when she was playing with David because they have such a great rapport,” Gayle explained, clarifying Oprah’s teasing comments about a possible run while a guest on Bloomberg TV’s The David Rubinstein Show. After Rubenstein pointed out political experience is no longer a hurdle to the presidency now that Donald Trump has been elected, Winfrey riffed, “I thought, ‘Oh gee, I don’t have the experience. I don’t know enough. I don’t…’ And now I’m thinking, ‘Oh. Oh.’”
Just to make sure you weren’t still holding onto a sliver of hope for Oprah 2020, Gayle then goes even further. “I also heard on the Oprah Winfrey show over the years you always have the right to change your mind,” she admits, “but I would bet my first, second born and any unborn children to come, that ain’t never happening.” Wait, so if Oprah does run now, she’ll get to be president AND get all of Gayle’s kids? That woman is a genius.