what could've been

Lady Gaga and Metallica’s Grammys Duet Sounds Much Better With Working Mics

Not every performer at this year’s Grammys got a chance at a do-over as Metallica and Lady Gaga fell victim to the night’s sound issues. At the start of their duet of “Moth into Flame,” James Hetfield’s mic was completely turned off, so you couldn’t hear a single growl. It went on like this for half the performance, effectively spoiling the performance and resulting in Hetfield throwing his guitar in anger at the end. Now, in an attempt to rectify the situation, the two artists have released video of the problem-free dress rehearsal showing the world just how ferociously show-stopping the duet could’ve been. Good thing there’s always Coachella for take two, hint hint.

See The Rehearsal of Lady Gaga and Metallica’s Grammys Duet