LCD Soundsystem sent the greater NYC metropolitan area into a tizzy when they announced a five-night Brooklyn residency earlier this week, but fans’ shock and awe soon turned to shock and annoyance when the tickets went on sale this afternoon — within minutes, every single ticket for five nights in the 1,800-capacity venue Brooklyn Steel was snagged and AXS’s ticketing website crashed. Frustrated fans immediately took to social media to vent about the likelihood of ticketing bots contributing to the quick sell-out, and joining in the complaints is none other than LCD Soundsystem’s Al Doyle. And no, he’s not just here offering a measly “sorry.” He’s ready to get down to business.
Similar to Lin-Manuel Miranda’s recent war against Hamilton’s ticket-bot problem, LCD Soundsystem have long been a vocal adversary of the rapidly spreading ticket-reseller issue, going so far as to add more shows to their 2011 “farewell” tour to ensure more fans could see them perform after the shows sold out quickly thanks to bots and scalpers. “This here is just to say that we were more than taken aback and surprised about the speed of ticket sales,” front man James Murphy said at the time, “as well as the effectiveness of scalper pieces of fucking shit at getting their hands on said tickets before fans could, and it’s knocked us on our asses.” Here’s hoping LCD can help out fans again this time.