The backstage drama between The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air’s two Aunt Vivs, Janet Hubert and Daphne Reid, has been the stuff of small-screen legend for years — after the third season of the hit sitcom Hubert was replaced by Reid in the role, something that Hubert and Will Smith have both owed to having major difficulties working with each other on set. Tensions on the matter have seemingly cooled in recent years — Hubert had another short-lived feud with Smith’s wife, Jada Pinkett Smith, before ending it on decent terms — but as all unnecessarily drawn-out feuds dictate these days, Hubert is back at it again with some petty quips about a recent Fresh Prince reunion. That is, if you can call a friendly photo-op and hang session between Alfonso Ribeiro, Tatyana Ali, Karyn Parsons, Smith, Joseph Marcell, and Reid a “reunion,” as they all gathered at a charity event hosted by Parsons. (Aw, yeah, it’s definitely a nice reunion!)
“I know the media hoe Alphonso Ribero has posted his so called reunion photo. Folks keep telling me about it,” Hubert wrote on her Facebook page. “He was always the ass wipe for Will. There will never be a true reunion of The Fresh Prince. I have no interest in seeing any of these people on that kind of level.” Hubert acknowledged that although the reunion was for a charity event, she’s still critical of the gathering as a whole, and it prompted her to “take some meetings” to turn her 2009 memoir — which tells “the behind-the-scenes story” of the sitcom — into a film. Someone needs to do a Carlton Dance to loosen up a bit, eh?