Craig T. Nelson Goes From Parenthood to Raised by Wolves in New Greg Berlanti–Diablo Cody Comedy

Photo: Valerie Macon/Getty Images

Craig T. Nelson is embracing life after Parenthood with a part in Raised by Wolves. The comedy pilot from super-producer Greg Berlanti (Super Girl, Arrow) and writer-producer Diablo Cody (Juno, United States of Tara) is based on a British show by the same name. In it, a single mom, here played by Georgia King, is struggling to rear a pack of five eccentric children in the Midwest. According to The Hollywood Reporter, Nelson has been cast as “Grampy,” the lead’s father, who is a “cheerfully entitled” member of the family with a tendency to take advantage of his daughter — so basically the opposite of patriarch Zeek Braverman, except for the grandpa part.

Craig T. Nelson Goes From Parenthood to Raised by Wolves