If there’s one thing CNN should know about Bill Nye, it’s that he’s always been a science guy. So what on Earth were they thinking putting him on a panel with a climate-change skeptic on Earth Day? That just seems cruel and usual.
Nye, who is obviously a climate-change believer, because he’s, like, a science guy, had to face off with William Happer, a physicist and Trump’s potential top science adviser, who argued that carbon dioxide is good because people couldn’t possibly be polluting the planet. Yeah, totally! (Hold on, just going to pull a sea turtle out of these six-pack rings.) “There’s this myth that’s developed around carbon dioxide that it’s a pollutant,” Happer said, “but you and I both exhale carbon dioxide with every breath. Each of us emits about two pounds of carbon dioxide a day, so are we polluting the planet?”
After that, it looked like Bill Nye’s head was about to spin. “I will say, much as I love the CNN, you’re doing a disservice by having one climate change skeptic, and not 97 or 98 scientists or engineers concerned about climate change,” Nye said.
Happer later compared the Paris Agreement on climate change with the Munich Agreement and Nazi appeasement, which made everyone else’s head spin, too! Just watch the video above. And then go recycle something.