Time to put on your dancing shoes, and not just because some megalomaniacal computer engineer programmed you to as part of his morally dubious quest to play God. No, slip them on and tear up the nicest dance floor in Singapore, because Ex Machina actress Sonoya Mizuno has been cast in Jon M. Chu’s upcoming adaptation of Crazy Rich Asians. The La La Land actress joins fellow castmembers Constance Wu, Michelle Yeoh, and newcomer Henry Golding. Mizuno will portray Araminta Lee, extremely wealthy fashion icon and fiancée to Colin, the as-yet-uncast best friend of Golding’s Nick Young. The Japanese-British former ballet dancer is also scheduled to appear with fellow Ex Machina star Oscar Isaac in the upcoming sci-fi thriller Annihilation, perhaps the only film less likely to have a dance number than Ex Machina, which means it almost undoubtedly will.