Prince’s vast oeuvre contains many a song appropriate for listening in public. But the deeper into his vault you dig, the falser that sentence starts to become. This summer, on June 23, the planned (and authorized) reissue of Purple Rain will see a release, and with it comes a whole host of unreleased or unheard Prince songs (11 in total) that we’ll never truly know if he wanted us to hear. (A press release claims Prince was involved in the reissue before his death.) The studio version of one such song, “Electric Intercourse,” has now made its way from wherever at Paisley Park he kept songs like this under lock and key onto the internet. Warning: It is not safe for the faint of heart, those unprepared for a sexual awakening, or anyone, really. The titillating song was recorded during the Purple Rain era, and has existed in some form for quite some time, but never this polished, and certainly not this palpably carnal — you can cut the sexual tension with a knife on Prince’s intensified falsetto. Dim the lights and relinquish all physical control to the Purple One.