Here’s Billy Eichner’s Golden Rule for Your Dating-App Profile

BILLY! Photo: Matt Winkelmeyer/Getty Images

We know that Total Hunk Billy Eichner has plenty of experience yelling at strangers, but what about with seducing them? “I’m on all the apps. Tinder, Grindr, Bumble, Scruff. I have no shame about that,” Eichner told Vulture in January. Since Eichner’s not shy about his dating strategies, GQ went ahead and asked him for some online dating profile-writing tips. The key to creating a profile that will get you laid, Eichner says, is a short and sweet bio of ten words or less. “Anything more is serial-killer territory,” he told GQ. “I understand you’re trying to carve out your place in the world, but don’t do it on a sex app.”

Another tip from Billy? You can kill the vibe with your first message, especially if you greet your match with the frat-boy-friendly salutation, “What’s up, bro?” “Don’t bro me,” Billy says, describing a Grindr trend he sees far too often. “You’re not a bro. I’m not a bro.”

While Eichner’s dating-app regulations may not be backed by all the experts (Tinder’s resident sociologist, Dr. Jess, told GQ that the ten-word rule is “a bit restrictive”), if you’ve been wondering what it takes to match with Eichner on any of the apps, update your profile accordingly. And if you do match with him, be sure to avoid calling him bro.

Billy Eichner’s Golden Rule for Your Dating-App Profile