Sean Spicer Finally Makes Sense Thanks to ‘The Daily Show’s ‘Kindergarten Press Secretary’

Here’s a great clip from last night’s Daily Show, where Trevor Noah takes a closer look at White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer, who seems to have found his groove at his new job. “Now, Sean Spicer started off as incompetent, but I’ve got to admit, he’s totally changed his game,” Trevor Noah says. “I mean, he’s still incompetent, but now he does exactly what Trump wants, which is to show complete disdain for the media.” Essentially, that “complete disdain” approach means Sean Spicer responds to the White House press corps as if they’re children, so The Daily Show took inspiration from that and edited Spicer press conference footage into “Sean Spicer: Kindergarten Press Secretary,” which includes mini-White House correspondents April Ryan, Glenn Thrush, John Gizzi, and more. It all makes perfect sense now.

Sean Spicer Finally Makes Sense Thanks to ‘The Daily […]